The club holds monthly competitions that are contests between individual members of the club. There are seven monthly competitions throughout the season (five open and two theme), with collections usually around the first Monday of the month and judging usually around the last Monday of the month from September to May. Additionally we hold landscape, three on a theme and mono competitions. Finally there is an end of season image of the year competition. For all competitions there are two separate formats, one for prints and one for digital projected images. Details for the 2024/2025 season are below. The judging dates are also listed in the programme and information on how to submit prints and images can be found here.

Members may submit up to two prints and two digital images per month for the monthly competitions. An image should be entered only once, either in the print or digital section (i.e. once used in one section, the image should not be entered in the other section for a later month). Digital entries whether for the DPI or the Print section are to be submitted to the Competition Secretary via email to prior to the notified closing date and time (usually 6pm on the closing date). Prints can be delivered to the Competition Secretary at any club meeting up to and including the closing date.

During the judging evenings, each piece of work will be awarded a mark out of 20 and be commented on in a constructive manner.

Month Last submission date Judging date Details
Sep 2024 26 Aug 2024 2 Sep 2024 Chairman's Challenge
Critique only with 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the theme of 'taken on a mobile phone'.
Any subject, taken on your mobile phone, between 11 June 2024 and 26 August 2024.
You can submit up to 4 images.
Minimal editing only, ideally as near as possible straight out of the phone.
Mono conversion is acceptable.
Please crop to the normal competition size of Max width 1600 and Max height 1200.
Sep 2024 9 Sep 2024 30 Sep 2024 Open competition
Oct 2024 15 Sep 2024 7 Oct 2024 Summer outings
Critique only
Oct 2024 7 Oct 2024 28 Oct 2024 Open competition
Nov 2024 4 Nov 2024 25 Nov 2024 Theme competition:
Dec 2024 25 Nov 2024 16 Dec 2024 Landscape competition:
Winner to be awarded the Mike Stokes Trophy
Jan 2025 6 Jan 2025 27 Jan 2025 Open competition
Feb 2025 27 Jan 2025 17 Feb 2025 Open competition
Mar 2025 10 Feb 2025 3 Mar 2025 Three on a theme competition
Mar 2025 3 Mar 2025 24 Mar 2025 Theme competition:
Apr 2025 24 Mar 2025 14 Apr 2025 Open competition
(amended entries allowed)
Apr 2025 7 Apr 2025 28 Apr 2025 Mono competition
May 2025 28 Apr 2025 19 May 2025 Image of the year:
Winner to be awarded the Terry Gardiner Trophy
Other competitions

Other competitions

Annual Mono Competition

This competition is held in May each year. Members may enter up to two monochrome prints and two monochrome digital images with the definition of monochrome being that of the WPF at the time. Each piece of work will be commented on in a constructive manner. No theme is intended nor should any marks be awarded for any theme.

Note: You may enter images that have been entered in a regular monthly competition during the same competition year (either exactly as previously entered, or modified after comments from a previous judging).

Three on a Theme Competition

This competition is held annually. More information can be found here.

Note: As part of your set of images you may include images that have been entered in a regular monthly competition during the previous 12 months (either exactly as previously entered, or modified after comments from a previous judging).

The Mike Stokes Trophy

The Mike Stokes Trophy is a landscape and seascape competition held in memory of Mike Stokes. Mike served the club as a committee member holding several posts over many years. He also inspired and entertained members in equal amounts over those years. The competition is in print and digital projected image sections with an overall winner from the two sections.

Note: You may enter images that have been entered in a regular monthly competition during the previous 12 months (either exactly as previously entered, or modified after comments from a previous judging).

Image of the Year - The Terry Gardner Trophies

At the end of the season members may submit their favourite previously submitted images for an Image of the Year competition. Entries are scored by members or an external judge. The top scoring print and projected image are named as the "Image of the Year" for that season. The winning photographers are awarded the Terry Gardner Trophy, named in memory of a well respected former committee member.

Note: Images must have been entered in a monthly competition during the season and can be any image you may have entered previously, regardless of the score awarded in the monthly competition.

Review of Summer Evening Outings

During June and July club members meet on a Monday evening in the local area to take photographs. One evening in the programme for the following season, usually around October, is devoted to a review of images taken during these evenings with a winning image selected from those submitted.

Other Internal Competitions

Whilst planning that seasons programme the committee may decide on one or two more competitions, whose format will vary. The idea will be to provide a fresh and interesting challenge to club members. As much advance warning on the competitions rules as possible will be given, typically around the time of the previous years AGM.

Trophies and Awards

Trophies and Awards

There are currently fourteen competition winners announced at the end of the season (end of May / start of June):

  • Open - Print
  • Open - Digital
  • Themed - Print
  • Themed - Digital
  • Mono - Print
  • Mono - Digital
  • Three on a Theme - Print
  • Three on a Theme - Digital
  • Mike Stokes Landscape - Print
  • Mike Stokes Landscape - Digital
  • Mike Stokes Landscape - Shield
  • Terry Gardiner Memorial Trophy - Print
  • Terry Gardiner Memorial Trophy - Digital
  • Novice of the Year

The Open winners, print and digital, will be decided by taking the highest seven scores over all five Open competitions.

The Themed winners, print and digital, will be the members with the highest four scores in the two Themed competitions.

All trophies are held for one year and are to be returned to the club at the end of that period for engraving and passing to the next winner.

Results from previous season can be found by scrolling through the News page.

Monthly competition theme subjects for years gone by

For the record here are the theme subjects of past seasons...

Season Theme subjects
2023-24 Still life / Table top
Low viewpoint
2022-23 People at work
2021-22 Two or a pair
2020-21 Framed
2019-20 Danger
2018-19 Life on the street
In the garden
2017-18 Something new
2016-17 T.V. programme title
2015-16 Lightweight
Man's influence on the landscape
2014-15 Footwear
2013-14 Creative
Night photography
2012-13 At night
Only small
Still life
Urban life
Wildlife and nature
2011-12 Action
At work
Creative / altered reality
In the kitchen
Song title
2010-11 Coast
Close up
Grabshot (Street life/candid)
Something different